Armenian-Russian cooperation in the formation of a security system in the Caucasus


  • Misak Tigranyan ASPU


settlement, strategic partnership, autonomous republics, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, agreement, Caucasus region, peace process


One of the most important factors determining the current state and trends in the development of Armenian-Russian relations is the objective interest of both states in creating an atmosphere of peace and stability in the region, creating an effective system of regional security, formed on the basis of a comprehensive consideration of the interests of all interested parts, and launching mechanism for mutually beneficial cooperation. The contradictory approaches to this issue of regional and extra-regional forces significantly weaken both the overall stability in the region and the security of individual countries. In this regard, the Armenian-Russian strategic partnership reflects not only the desire to provide adequate responses to threats emanating from regional processes, but in general can be a vivid example of effective interstate cooperation as the basis for a future regional security system designed to establish strong stability and promote full development. South Caucasus.

The most significant factor that will determine the effectiveness of the Armenian-Russian interstate cooperation, including within the framework of the formation of unified, joint Armenian-Russian approaches to the problems of ensuring regional security and cooperation, is the unsettledness of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The prospects for maintaining and strengthening Russian positions in the region as a whole will largely depend on the extent to which Russia is ready to abandon the "instant gain" strategy in its regional policy and be guided by long-term interests. It is precisely these interests that an early, final and comprehensive settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict serves.


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