
  • Kristine Melkumyan M. Abeghyan Institute of Literature



typography, functionality, education, genre, context, addressability, medieval literature, origins


In this article, we have examined the printing work of Abgar the Scribe Tokhatetsi and its educational value. Turning to his published books, we considered them a continuation of the printing work started by Hakob Meghapart. We have evaluated the activities of Abgar the Scribe Tokhatetsi from the point of cultural, educational, social, and political functionality, firstly emphasizing the main goal of our article, which is the highlighting of educational value. Unfortunately, the fact that most of the books published by Abgar the Scribe Tokhatetsi have not reached us or have done so with defects and shortcomings, or that we can form an idea about them only due to the descriptions of eyewitnesses and various testimonies, somewhat hinders some issues, especially the possibility of complete analysis of inclusions of Armenian literature. On the other hand, since Abgar the Scribe Tokhatetsi was the continuer of the printing work started by Hakob Meghapart, not only in terms of itself but also in the inclusion of various operational parts, from the ideological, educational point of view, by comparing the books printed by those two prominent figures of the dawn of Armenian printing, it is sometimes possible to ensure certain completeness of ideas from the point of insights and principles. It should be emphasized that the books printed or published in this period were first of all characterized by high functionality, no book was published just like that. In its turn, the printing work of Abgar Dpir Tokhatetsu further expanded the functionality of the Armenian book and increased its educational value. Therefore, almost every fact of Armenian printing during this period, regardless of whether they are preserved or just mentioned or described, can be observed in a broad cultural and operational context.


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