iconotext, creolized text, icon sign, semiotics, poetry, literary text, intertextuality, culture, artistic style, imageryAbstract
Being an integral element of the visual structure of the poem, the symbol, together with the image, becomes an icon, forms a sign-symbolic system of the text, forming the unity of the artistic system. The transformation of the semantic functions of a word into an icon and its use as a means of representation is characteristic of many of Eduard Harent’s poems.
The main feature of encoding artistic thought through icon signs is the two-quality feature of such codes, associated simultaneously with both the artistic situation and the icon sign, with a contemplative atmosphere stored in the context of a word-image, which leads to semantic complexity and semantic, so to speak, mixed quality that is formed as a result of intertextual interaction characterized by the specified feature.
In general, it is difficult to accurately determine all the prerequisites and foundations for the appearance of this or that icon, since their cultural connections are mediated by many literary and authorial events that complete, abstract and generalize. Therefore, the decoding of the icon sign should be considered at the origins of the specific poetic co-structure that carries them.
The object of study of the article is the icon and its functional feature in the poetry of Eduard Harents.
The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the choice of object: this article is the first attempt in this sense as a theoretical and literary study.
The theoretical value of the article lies in the fact that the study allows us to reflect on the theoretical foundations of the concept of iconotext endowed with icon signs, using the example of poetic texts by Eduard Harents, to consider the theoretical provisions of their application in a poetic text, as well as the acceptance of iconotext as a precedent visual phenomenon, which, having been introduced into the poetic structure, gives it an intertextual character. The purpose of the article is to simultaneously emphasize the special role of intertextuality in a literary text.
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