
  • Greta Hakobyan ASPU
  • Sofya Kerobyan



project work, cooperation, cognitive abilities, Holy Theotokos Church in Balahovit, skills of the 21st century, facilitator teacher, workflow, education final results, competations


Participatory  and  cooperative  pedagogies  are  relevant  to  all  levels  of  education,  as  well  as  to  all  educational  settings. Today one of the most important issues of education is the transfer of knowledge to life. From this point of view, the organization of works in the field of education through the project method is highly justified. Theoretical and practical issues are considered in the article.  The goals of project learning, ways of implementation are analyzed. We have tried to classify project works with a certain logic formulate,  the definition of educational project work, point out its features, specify the role and functions of the teacher. There is also justified  the importance of project-based learning of the 21st century skills within the framework of standard requirements for students' compitence  formation.

An example  of project work implemented in Balahovit secondary School is described in detail. The  content, process and structure of the work are  characterized. The main points and final results are also indicated. It is justified that as a educational technology, planned learning implies the integration of learner' psychological, pedagogical, subject and methodical knowledge.

Conclusions: project-based learning contributes to the development of the ability to set cognitive goals and find alternative ways of their implementation, ensures the formation of information culture, the development of communication skills, flexibility, independence and uniqueness of thinking. The result of the implementation of the project method, which helps to identify the interrelations of the elements of the logic of scientific research, is the development of creative cognitive abilities.


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Aghayan E. (1976), Ardi hayereni bacatrakan bar'aran /Modern Armenian Explanatory Dictionary/, Yerevan, “Hayastan”.

Dewey J. (2013), Im mankavarjhakan davananqy' /My Pedagogic Creed/, Yerevan, “Dpir” , Retrieved December 11, 2023 from /

Hanrakrt'owt'yan petakan chap'oroshich /State Standard for General Education/ RA. Retrieved November 28, 2023 from

Petakan cowcak Hayastani Hanrapetowt'yan patmowt'yan & mshakowyt'i ansharjh howshard'anneri /State registration of immovable historical and cultural monuments/. Kotayk Province of RA . Retrieved December 14, 2023 from

Vardumyan S. (2005), Jhamanakakic mankavarjhakan motecowmner /Modern Pedagogical Approaches/, Yerevan, “Noyan Tapan”.

40 smart'-e'kran 40 hanrakrt'akan dproci. haytni en «Vizowal Hayastan» zargacman himnadrami baregorc'akan mrcowyt'-c'ragri haght'oghnery' /40 smart boards to 40 public schools: Visual Armenia Development Foundation announced winner schools of charitable competition/. Retrieved November 18, 2023 from

Halpern D. (2013), Teaching for critical thinking: A four-part model to enhance thinking skills. In The Teaching of Psychology (pp. 111-126), Psychology Press. DOI:

Reimagining Our Futures Together (2021), Retrieved November 28, 2023,

Translation and Meaning in Almaany English Arabic Dictionary. Retrieved December 28, 2023 from


