the mythologyeme ofsacred marriage, Hero and Leander, Greek mythology, Christopher Marlo, Schiller, Hovhannes Tumanyan, comparative analysisAbstract
In the article, we have considered several literary embodiments of the mythologeme ofsacred marriage, when it, retaining the memory of the pretext and symbolic system, undergoes various transformations in different periods and by different authors, absorbs peculiar and significant historical-philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and ethno-cultural nuances.
The legend of a young man in love swimming from shore to shore, derived from the mythologeme of the sacred marriage, the origins of which go back to the Ancient Greece, is a universal plot in the ancient mythology (the legend of Hero and Leander) with deep problems, the changes of which depend on the interaction of reality and poetry, man, nature and society, as well as on the typology of the work, the aesthetic concept and worldview of the author.
Our task is to show the process of interpenetration of the national and universal realities in literature and culturethrough the history of a couple in love, to present in what way the pretext, the same initial information point made inner reality of the mythologemeinexhaustible and capaciousin time and among different peoples, over time fillingits secret language and symbolic system with new features and meaning, as well as to show changes in author's individual picture of the world.
Its main function is conditioned by the content that characterizes the cosmic essence of love and sacrifice, which can “find room for” one or more symbolic storylines in an unsplit coresimultaneously. This is obvious from the content of the article.
In the considered works of Marlo, Schiller, Bryusov, which are based on this legend, we tried to show the differences in the thought and creative systems of the authors, the emotional and philosophical foundations of their individuality, the moral and ethical orientation of the legend. In Tumanyan’s “Akhtamar”ballad, the story about a young man swimming from shore to shore formed the composition, preserving in its initial part the folklore elements of the story of a young man in love swimming across the sea at night, and ending with a philosophical praise of love and sacrifice.
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