




adverb, preposition, morphological meaning, speech part transition, material meaning, function words (functors), multiple-meaning words, syntactic level


In Grabar there are words with morphological meaning that is split between different parts of the speech. Combinations of more than one speech category represent those words. Those words are referred to as multiple-meaning words.

Multiple-meaning words in diachronic reality, in the synchronic aspect of the language, can equally combine more than one morphological meaning with the associated syntactic functions.

In this article, we examined those words in Grabar, that combine the adverb/preposition morphology, and acquired multiple meaning in consequence of speech part transitions. Syntactic use of such terms expresses their morphological meanings.

The words that combine the meanings of an adverb/preposition in Grabar can be used in conjunction with a real/material significance, in considered case in the multiple-meaning of an adverb, in another combination - in the meaning of a preposition.

As prepositions, these words require the use of the genitive (above, on the contrary, under // inside, etc.), dative (similar, like), accusative (as if, close), ablative (subtly, far, detached), instrumental (around) cases.

By transmitting parts of speech with material meaning, the system of parts of speech with grammatical meaning is being enriched. In Grabar, the words expressed relations with prepositions, were transmitted from adverbs, and consequently can be used as prepositions in sentences.


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