linguistic communicative competence, information, perception, reading, skimming reading, reading for gist, exploring reading, exploratory reading, reading techniquesAbstract
- Reading is a cognitive thinking activity of an analytical nature and is determined by the purpose of teaching.
- Purpose of reading regulates its process. Depending on the purpose, the reader perceives the text in large or small doses with expansion or collapse of visual images and inner speech.
- Reading is taught as an oral-speech activity. The process of comprehending information is seen as an activity in which learners solve various communicative tasks.
- In the learning process, reading a text should always act as a concrete manifestation of mediated communication aimed at developing students' abilities at a specific stage appropriate to a given level.
- The process of content comprehension is determined by the task given to the students before reading the text and when they understand the content of the text. For this reason, it is very important that both the task and the method of checking comprehension are appropriate to each other and to the type of subject being taught.
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