connotation, the semantic structure of connotation, contextual synonyms, types of synonyms: discourse, situational, individual-style-based synonymsAbstract
The article examines various approaches to the classification of connotation as a semantic component of linguistic units within the communicative domain. It also analyzes the classification of connotation from the perspectives of linguistics, stylistics, logic, and philosophy. Connotation is regarded as a significant means of semantic construction in discourse. From a typological standpoint, the study identifies expressive, emotional, evaluative, duration, and other semantic components within the semantic structure.
At the level of connotation and modality expression in texts, the issue of contextual synonyms is also addressed. Synonyms are considered tools for text cohesion, and their usage is analyzed within specific textual frameworks. Additionally, the expression of semantic properties is discussed concerning the genre characteristics of the text and the communicative situation.
The functional significance of synonyms as textual creation tools is explored from the perspective of semantic cohesion. Furthermore, synonyms are examined in terms of their role in ensuring content accuracy and the selection of linguistic expressiveness. In studying the linguistic and textual modalities of synonyms, it is deemed appropriate to analyze them from structural, semantic, and functional perspectives. Observations from these perspectives should incorporate necessary contextual inclusivity, account for linguistic, i.e. stylistic features, and clarify the pragmatic “value” of discourse. Such approaches not only refine the practical material of the research but also enhance the robustness of the evidential basis presented.
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[von Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel am 31. Dezember,
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[Von Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel am 31. Dezember
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